Monday, March 11, 2013


Science has posited in physics 
for the
"Material Condition of Nature".
Who knows,
"The IDEA" may come forward as
for the
"Human Condition of Nature".

(short version)
The new comprehensive research on LiFE,
for the Human Condition,
recently launched by  
which looks promising like the "LHC" at CERN;
may help us to come closer to "Our Truth".



Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Synthesis -S-I-D-E

Science has posited in physics 

"The Standard Model"

for the

"Material Condition of Nature".

Who knows,

"The IDEA" may come forward as

"The Human Model"

for the

"Human Condition of Nature".


The new comprehensive research on LiFE,

for the Human Condition,

recently launched by

FuturICT at Zürich,

which looks promising like the "LHC" at CERN;

may help us to come closer to "Our Truth".




Side-The-source-part-I.pdf Download this file


Side-The-source-part-II.pdf Download this file

SIDE THE SOURCE Part III: The WHEEL of Life & Knowledge

Side-The-source-part-III.pdf Download this file


Side-The-source-part-IV.pdf Download this file


Side-The-source-part-V.pdf Download this file




This-is-just_-AN-IDEA-The-Model-only-Amharic.pdf Download this file


This-is-just_-AN-IDEA-The-Model-only.pdf Download this file

Astro-harmony.pdf Download this file

The IDEA Astro-correlated

model88.pdf Download this file
Harmony Model-88

Harmony-model-88-cycle.pdf Download this file
Harmony Model-88-Cycle

Fascination Space - Fascination Our World

Fascination_Space.wmv Watch on Posterous
Fascination - Our World

Aesthetic Development

Aesthetic Development

"LIFE is a manifold complex process of nature evoking the godly nature of All-Being -creativity- , to revitalize the H-uman, U-niversal and M-ankind's A-esthetic N-ature (H U MA N), with the ultimate purpose of creating the Harmonious Human Being through generations /1)."

Aesthetic Development (a´ la J.M. Baldwin?)

I came some time ago (as this post was first published) across Michael James Parsons' review of James Mark Baldwin thoughts on the Aesthetic Development of the Individual.
Aesthetic Development of the Individual (use: only for research purpose)

An opportunity to notice once again that the notion, which is giving me no peace for a few years, insisting once in a while to stick to a public‐paper, is actually not "new" for the "world of science and philosophy".

This notion, which is again reproduced here, originated from a multifaceted process of tense life conditions, resulting in a sublime experience (in the world of philosophers, one would like to call it „ontological” or “phenomenological” experience … or perhaps in post modernity it is customarily called “flow” or for that matter you may call it -"aesthetic experience" á la James Mark Baldwin!). I believe, this notion of mine has in between developed to a sort of maturity. I would like to believe this, because, ever since the Idea has occurred to me, I have in the mean time developed a tremendous passion for knowledge (cf. Aristotle, i.e. „knowledge ‐the food of the spirit”) and learnt a lot in my leisure time; a lot from various fields of arts and specially philosophy. ( Engineering/IT by profession).

Syntheses & Harmony

The genesis of the "IDEA" *0) is more or less in some other related BLOGs documented, if that should be a matter of interest.

This piece or let me say this draft, which may find its way to a professional or academic desk, of this or that Scholar,*1)  in order to be critically appraised or “destroyed”, does by no means claim to be either a work of science or a research. However, true to the “bangs of its birth”, it is rather a „search for truth“, with all the due courage for a down-to-earth truth out of a healthy common sense claiming an all round logical consistency.

Anyhow, I would be grateful, if you spare some of your worthy time to throw a glance on this substance. Since a merciless critic has in my world by far more value than a flattering encouragement, I would say, you don’t have to spare your opinion or bear with me, for in my view, the core tenor of social “Harmony” (my model) is the critique too (Kant).


*0) It is said that our contemporary physicist, Mr. Higgs formulated his
physics-particle discovery, (LHC experiment) on a small piece of paper;
and the great spiritual leader Sri Aurobindo has written thousands of pages on mystics.
To make a picture of the "IDEA" the core-point of "The Harmony Model" is formulated on a page. 

*1) Specially I am delighted at the recent comprehensive project of Big Science launched at

Morning's at Seven - ETHIOPIA TODAY

Synopsis: Morning's at Seven 1/( decoded)

Morning's at Seven

by Paul Osborn
“Make it simple but not less simple” (Einstein)

With the social Message DECODED



Since it is valuable for our reflections and allegorically relevant to our
social context and our perceptions, and to make the social message more transparent; the famous play of Paul Osborn  is here decoded (based on a short synopsis of the story/1), along the patterns of the "Harmony Model" . I think it is more than relevant for our Ethiopian context and the political stalemate confronting us at these crucial times of confused perceptions.Valuable to maintain the piece of optimism, which may be blocked somewhere in the mind or in the vibrating substance of our hearts.

Under the mirror of the Ethio-Context (in the patterns of the “Harmony Model”).

1. Cora: (Mrs. Laws) + Thor: (Ethics-Tradition);
2. Ida: (Mrs. Community) + Carl: (Mr. State);
3. Arry: (Miss Nature-Mankind); (lives with Cora and Thor);
4. Esther (Faith-Vision) + David, (Religion-Dogma);
5. Homer (“Mr. Generation-new”) + Myrtle („Miss Life“).

“Mrs. Laws” and her sister “Mrs. Community”, along with husbands “Mr. Ethics-Tradition” and “Mr. State”, have lived next door to each other for their entire married lives. In addition, an old-maid sister, called ”Miss Nature-Mankind”, lives with “Laws” and “Ethics”. A fourth sister, “Mrs. Faith-Vision” and her husband “Mr. Religion-Dogma”, live outside the immediate neighborhood. As the play opens, all four families are anxiously awaiting the arrival of „Mr. Generation-new“ and his fiancée, „Miss Life“ Brown. „Mr. Generation-new“ has been engaged to „Miss Life“ for seven years  (apparently going through the seven dimensions) and dated her for five years (say, along the five planes of Life) before that and, oddly enough, this will be the first time anyone in his family will have met her.


Morning-at-seven-for-Ethiopia.pdf Download this file



The Idea ie. The Word of HARMONY (H)


The Godly Sphere

In your material plane

You belong to mankind

You belong to nature

You belong to the universe

That makes up

The mass of your Mind (m)


In your spiritual plane

You have your faith

You have your religion

You have your conscience

That makes up

The spiritual light of your mind (c)

The cumulated integration of your material and spiritual planes makes up the

Energy of your mind (E) 


The Human Sphere

In your social plane

You live in a state

You live in a community

You live in a family

That makes up the humanity of your mind (h)


In your cultural plane

You have your rule of law

You have your community ethics

You have your family love

That makes up the aesthetic quality of your mind (q)

The cumulated integration of your social and cultural planes makes up the

Intelligence of your Mind (I)


The Energy (E) & Intelligence (I) of your mind in your godly & human spheres make up the resonance of your being, which is the Idea, ie.

The word of the Harmony

H == {E =mc2   ++ I=hq2}





The-Word.pdf Download this file



SOURCE: The beautiful minds of "APEIRONCENTRE"

"....... Thus, in Goethe‟s second Faust, the mother of the genius looks at him with anxiety. While she encourages him to bounce on the ground or rebound, she forbids him to fly toward heaven. “You can bounce and still bounce according to your desire, but watch out not to fly. The free flight is forbidden to you,” she tells her son......."

heaven.pdf Download this file


The Dance:

The Crisis:



" The standard position of mainstream empirical science is to exclude the infinite and its inverse, nothing (zero), which is the infinite according to division. Nature or the physical body is simple and finite and nothing finite is infinite! There is no infinite body, no Infinite One!

This Aristotelian finite-analytic worldview is incapable of understanding the physical world’s indeterminate and complex nature and generates in science infinitely regressing absurdities. Given the crisis in the finite-analytic foundation of empirical science, the new trend is to return to the first thinkers of Greece (the school of Ionia), India (the Upanishads) and China (the school of Tao), who laid down simultaneously and independently the first spiritual foundations of humanity. These three regions formed at the dawn of philosophy (sixth to fifth century BCE) the axis of the apeiron, or Infinite One. According totheir first intuitions about the physical world, which were the most powerful and true, the Infinite One is the principle and substance, the source and destination of the physical universe. As a complex principle, the Infinite One ensures the unity of the physical whole’s opposite poles, the finite and the infinite, as well as the permanence of its life and motion. As a complex substance of all things, the Infinite One allows us to affirm without absurdity that (a) everything finite is infinite, (b) that all finite quantities have infinite magnitudes, (c) that a finite spherical body of radius 1 is simultaneously infinite (according to extension and division).

Finally, we call, infinite-synthetic paradigm the emerging non-Aristotelian model of the physical universe according to which everything is complex, verifies synthetic principles of existence, and is both finite and infinite. Because the infinite-synthetic paradigm abolishes one-way time and its analytic hierarchy generating unsolvable conflicts, it is regarded as the natural response to society’s contradictions and evils."



GRANDPROJECT.pdf Download this file

Hölderlin, Modernity & Harmony

“....eternal progress of nature towards perfection.”


"The key point is that for Hölderlin the cosmic evolutionary process ends in perfection. Thus, Ronald Peacock argues that, “the division produced by conflict is followed by a re-conquered harmony.”11 Similarly, Anselm Haverkamp argues that an interpretation of the poems Andenken and Mnemosyne is the expression, ‘where danger threatens, salvation also grows.’12"***

...."Hölderlin’s view is clearly that from a narrow and short-term perspective danger and conflict are often the norm, but that these things actually play a part in bringing about a greater harmony in the future. In the long-term they are all part of the evolution of the whole universe to perfection. Cosmic evolution is thus one long process of disharmonies and inevitably following harmonies. Peacock argues that Hölderlin’s vision is of a, “harmonised process of life which comprises within itself the rhythmic movement from chaos to form and back again, and an emotional experience of this which in the sphere of nature knows only the one rapture, but in the human sphere suffering and joy.” ***

hölderlin+modernity.pdf Download this file

"Thomas Pfau argues for an ‘intellectual intuition.’ He states that, “Hölderlin recasts the convergence of “freedom and necessity” as the most primordial synthesis of intellect and intuition itself, a synthesis which takes place within the subject itself. He hus approaches what Kant had repeatedly ruled out as an “intellectual intuition”".”


......"he sees it as a historical epoch that is characterised by the absence of the gods. To be consistent with his views on harmonised evolution to perfection there must be a reason for this absence. Indeed, Peacock argues that Hölderlin thinks that, “a godless age is part of a divine mystery, it is as necessary as day, ordained by a higher power.”17 Furthermore, Heidegger claims that the gods are still present, despite their absence: “man who, even with his most exulted thought could hardly penetrate to their Being, even though, with the same grandeur as at all time, they were somehow there.”  ***

Read more:




From "THE HARMONY MODEL - ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ"


The Purpose of Life (Quintessence)

LIFE is a manifold complex process of nature evoking the godly nature of All‐Being ‐creativity‐, to revitalize the H‐uman, U‐niversal and M‐ankind's A‐esthetic N‐ature (H U MA N), with the ultimate purpose of creating the Harmonious Human Being through generations...



የሕይወት ትርጉሙ / ፍሬ ነገሩ


ሕይወት ማለት፣  

የእግዚአብሄርን፣ ማለትም የፈጣሪነትን ብቃት በሁሉም የተፈጥሮ ጉዳይ ውስጥ እየቀሰቀስ፣ሰብዓዊ፣ ሁለንተናዊ ና የሰው ዘር ኪነ፥ውበታዊ ተፈጥሮን የሚያድስ፣ አያሌ ዘርፍ ያለው የተወሳሰበ የተፈጥሮ ሂደት ነው። የዚህም ማሳረጊያ ግቡ፣ብዙ ትውልድን እያሸጋገረ በህብራዊነት የሚካነውን የሰው ልጅ መፍጠር ነው።/


"And such is the human freedom which all men boast that they possess, and which consists solely in this, that men are conscious of their desire, and ignorant of the causes by which they are determined.”*** Hölderlin; 28. Peacock, Hölderlin, p. 92.




The END of TIME ? Halle ! Hello !

TODAY is 21.12.2012

with loving greetings to the MAYAs...

21.12.2012  was thought to be the beginning of the NEW or the End of TIME,  according to the Maya cosmologists.
But, YES, we still are living; The end does not apparently come, though the crisis all over the globe tries to make us believe it - THE END- The "Scenario" of the END.  However, if that is the case i.e. NOT THE END, we can as well take it to make an end of our Old Being to BECOME NEW!

May be the MAYAs wanted to indicate THIS BECOMING prophesying our contemporary Human condition!

"The most important and paradoxical consequences of the holistic view, including an approach to solving the riddle of human personality, are as follows: 1) the explanation why and under what conditions a part (a human) can be more complex than a whole (society); 2) in order to reconstruct society it is necessary to change an individual but not by cutting off the supposed undesirable past, since a human being as a microcosm is the synthesis of all previous stages of evolution, and as a result of repression of, it would seem, the wild past one can extinguish a “divine spark” in his soul;
3) in the physical sense, singularity denotes a moment of instability, phase transition; one can talk about the human singularity of co-evolutionary processes, since in such a moment of instability individual actions of a human can play a key role in determining a channel of further development as well as in appearance of a new pattern of collective behavior in society; 4) as the models of nonlinear dynamics, elaborated at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, show, there is a possibility of a direct influence of the future and even a touch of an infinitely remote future in certain evolutionary regimes and under rigorously definite conditions, more over, it turns out that such a possibility exists only for a human (admittedly, through a specific state of being inherent to him—the sleep without dreams) but not for the human society."

I.e. The Human is and has to be more than its social community; the human is a singularity with the strangest attractor of meaning; its community is an assemblage, a multiplicity with diverse strange attractors of  their own meanings !

THUS, 21st century science is at this sublime stage - not just the historical materialism as postulated two centuries past by a pair of guys living in Europe, who happened to understand how capital revolves in its early age, whereby the big point ist to know how the human evolves from the beginning of Time upto the end of  its "Dasein" of its particular singularity - The Human -  TODAY!- ; at least for those who are not dogmatic and ready  or resilient enough to grasp it!

Not only Philosophy but science is as well at the sublime track of decoding the "implicit" and "the virual".
The optimism of the scientists around "BIg DATA" is Big:
"Adam Smith And Karl Marx Were Wrong
These Big Data issues are important, but there are bigger things afoot......

"This is the first time in human history that we have the ability to see enough about ourselves that we can hope to actually build social systems that work qualitatively better than the systems we've always had. That's a remarkable change. It's like the phase transition that happened when writing was developed or when education became ubiquitous, or perhaps when people began being tied together via the Internet. The fact that we can now begin to actually look at the dynamics of social interactions and how they play out, and are not just limited to reasoning about averages like market indices is for me simply astonishing. To be able to see the details of variations in the market and the beginnings of political revolutions, to predict them, and even control them, is definitely a case of Promethean fire. Big Data can be used for good or bad, but either way it brings us to interesting times. We're going to reinvent what it means to have a human society." (ALEX 'SANDY' PENTLAND)
(our bold and italics)


what The Harmony Model  promotes is only, an elegant & a simple way of expressing this Big Fact!



The Purpose of Life (Quintessence)

LIFE is a manifold complex process of nature evoking the godly nature of All‐Being ‐creativity‐, to revitalize the H‐uman, U‐niversal and M‐ankind's A‐esthetic N‐ature (H U MA N), with the ultimate purpose of creating the Harmonious Human Being through generations...




የሕይወት ትርጉሙ / ፍሬ ነገሩ


ሕይወት ማለት፣  

የእግዚአብሄርን፣ ማለትም የፈጣሪነትን ብቃት በሁሉም የተፈጥሮ ጉዳይ ውስጥ እየቀሰቀስ፣ሰብዓዊ፣ ሁለንተናዊ ና የሰው ዘር ኪነ፥ውበታዊ ተፈጥሮን የሚያድስ፣ አያሌ ዘርፍ ያለው የተወሳሰበ የተፈጥሮ ሂደት ነው። የዚህም ማሳረጊያ ግቡ፣ብዙ ትውልድን እያሸጋገረ በህብራዊነት የሚካነውን የሰው ልጅ መፍጠር ነው።/



በተረፈ ፥

የሆነ  ቦታ፣ ተስፋ የማይቆርጥ የክርስቲያን መንደር ያገኝሁትን ተረት እየተረትኩ እሰነብታለሁ፥

ይህም ላልሆነለት፣
ይለገሰው ተረት፤
ኧረ እስክመቼ ! እያለ ይሰንብት
ጨውም ጨው ካልሆነ፣ ከድንጋይ አይለዩት!
አልማዝ እንኳን አሉ፣ ቢወረወር በረት፣
ማን አይቶት፣ ማን አውቆት
ማንስ ሊጓጓለት!

ከልብ ካዘኑማ መች ይገዳል እምባው፣
ማሰብ ለጀመረ ህይወትም ቀላል ነው፤
በጣት ይቆጠራል ሃይለኛ  ሚያደርገው፣   
ነጻነት አውጆ ፣ ህዝብን የሚያነግሠው፤
አስራ፥ሁለቱ ቤት፣ጋብዞ የሚያኖረው።

በዚሁ፣ በሚመጡት በዓላት መንፈስ እሰናበታለሁ።

መልካም በዓል


* * *
complexity-European-Review-collected-papers-net.pdf Download this file

Athenian Democracy: a brief overview

Hypothesis on Quality of Music....and Intelligence

Republished; Notes on "MyLibrary Bookreview" from 2008...

Hypothesis on Quality of Music....and Intelligence

Whatever the origin may be, at the beginning (creation or not; leaving this for the sovereign Individual to find his own system or confusion); there is Energy and Intelligence or only Energy. This Beginning has brought about after generations two spheres of life.

These two spheres of Life according to the Model of Harmony, which I want to deal with, are:

The Human Hemisphere and the Godly Hemisphere

The Human Hemisphere consists of

I. The social and

II. The cultural plane

The godly hemisphere consists of

III. The material and

IV. The spiritual plane.

There are also two other planes on the transcendental level, which are not a point of discussion here. Just to complete the picture, they are:

V. The human and

VI. The Absolute plane

These two Hemispheres with all their structural moments, giving room for all forms of complexity and diversity, are in Harmony with each other. The harmony lives with its diversity and complexity in order to be full of life. Significant for these two Hemispheres are Intelligence for the “Human Hemisphere” and Energy for the “Godly Hemisphere”. Whether we the Humans like it or not these two central factors would be in a harmonious relation with each other. There is a very good saying in Amharic/bible...

”Chew lerasish sitiyi tafchi weinim dingay belew yittlushal” " ጨው ለራስሽ ስትይ ጣፍጪ ወይንም ድንጋይ ብለው ይጥሉሻል"1. For solving our problems, if we the Humans are not in a position, with all the Intelligence at our disposal, to have this Harmony always in mind, nature will take care of it with all the consequences thereafter. Concerning the interdependence, multidimensionality, and the interrelations of the different factors, for the Godly Hemisphere, it can be assumed that the theory of Relativity. has a validity in this context too. I.e. this is solved with the famous statement of Einstein:

E = mc2 ; Energy = Mass x (Speed of Light) 2 /to the power of 2/

What does it look like for the “Human Hemisphere”?

The Hypothesis proposed here is, that there is a parallel or an analogous way of generalising the social reality.

This is formulated in a similar way like the theory of relativity:

I = hq2 ; Intelligence = Humanity x (Quality of Music)2 /to the power of 2/

I= Intelligence; h=Humanity; q= Quality of Music (For further elaboration see the legend part...”the Hypothesis”).

In a statement of clarification on the above hypothesis,

Intelligence == humanity x (quality of music)2

I expresed my hope that science would one day come to substantiate the intuition, I made some four years back:

"Not only Mystics, Time and Space may evolve to render this Truth a scientific foundation. Until then it is my pleasure to live, not only with the Faith but also with the knowledge, that the fundament of this truth is supported by the (non systematic) studies I made so far, in the field of philosophy and faith, ever since the harmony model was constituted in this form."
I am happy to come across the following researchs, projects, books and publications etc.:-


Participatory Computing for Our Complex World

FuturICT FET Flagship logo


Daniel J. Siegel: Interpersonalneurobiology

Iain McGilchrist - The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World

Daniel J. Levitin: Music and the Brain: The World in Six Songs: How the Musical

Benjamin Curtis: Muisc Makes The Nation:

Noise: the Political Economy of Muisc:

Richard Tarnas: Cosmos & Psyche